Carolina Christmas Adventure

Carolina Christmas Adventure

422 Ninety-Nine Island Rd., Blacksburg, SC 29702

From $15.00

No upcoming date/times for this event.

It’s not another light display….it’s an ADVENTURE! At Carolina Christmas Adventure you will find FUN around every corner. This attractions is made with 12 and under in mind but it is sure to be hit with all ages! What age doesn’t love a snowflake waffle, drinking hot cocoa, or meeting a character?? Exactly! Check out the website for all of the dates and attractions and the elves can’t wait to see you here!!


Refund Policy:

No refunds or returns.

Cancellation Policy:

In the event this venue cancels due to weather your ticket may be used on any other night of the same season. If the event is open and you can not attend the event for any reason, there will be no refunds.

Carolina Christmas Adventure poster
Carolina Christmas Adventure
422 Ninety-Nine Island Rd.
Blacksburg, SC 29702
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