Go Comedy Improv Theater
From $10.00
No upcoming date/times for this event.
Once ordered, you will receive a confirmation email from passage as your receipt. An email from Go Comedy with a separate pdf of the certificate itself will be emailed to you separately. You can either email or print out the certificate. We do not need the name of the recipient as we will just be looking for the number on the gift certificate to match up with our information.
To Redeem:
For Tickets to a show:
Call Go Comedy to make your reservation and have your gift certificate number ready.
Email michelle@gocomedy.net with the date, time and number of tickets for the show you would like to see. Please also include your gift certificate number.
For use toward classes:
Email classes@gocomedy.net and someone will contact you about signing up.
Please bring the certificate with you for redemption. All tickets are date stamped with December 31 - that is just for our records!
For reference, a typical Friday/Saturday night ticket costs $20, and a class costs $250.
Attendees understand that there is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any public place where people are present. Those purchasing or attending Go Comedy! Improv Theater events voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.
No refunds or returns.
Ticket holders will be contacted unless otherwise outlined above.