Gene Cox Stadium
601 Paul Russell Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32301
From $85.00
No upcoming date/times for this event.
Annual Memberships for Tallahassee Soccer Club are just $85.
Your membership funds the operational costs for the Battle Lions and include:
Most importantly, memberships are the main financial support for the Battle Lions. The club is run entirely by volunteers and every dollar raised goes directly to the club operations.
The season tickets will be sent via email to all members once the final schedule is set by the National Premier Soccer League (NPSL.)
Scan the QR code on your membership at any home game to claim your member T-Shirt and free snack/water.
For more information or to ask any questions, email us today!
No refunds or returns.
An event can only be canceled by the venue and/or event organizer. If the venue or event organizer cancels an event, you will be refunded within 4 business days of the event date for your purchase.