FREE Webinar: The UPDATED Secrets to Increasing Online Ticket Sales (for Haunted Attractions!)

HauntPay HQ

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Instant Access to the Webinar Recording (Available August 10th, 2022 @ 10PM)

The (UPDATED) Secrets to Increasing Your Online Ticket Sales

Do you want a zombie-proof way to sell more tickets?

Wish you could get your money faster?

Do you lay awake at night worrying that no victims guests will show up to your haunt?

Need scary simple ways to reduce costs while keeping your guests happy?

This webinar will help you sell more tickets online for your haunted attraction, whether you’re opening a new haunt, you have a longstanding haunt that only did cash-at-the-door sales in the past, or you just want to boost those online sales. 

In this webinar you will learn:

  • The pros and cons of online vs. in-person ticket sales
  • Guest purchasing habits and recent trends
  • Why some haunts are eliminating on-site sales altogether (and HOW they do it!)
  • Strategies for increasing online ticket sales and tips to make them work for YOUR haunt 
  • How to price your tickets so guests will want to BUY NOW
  • Incentives that will drive more guests to buy online
  • When limited inventory can actually increase sales
  • Tips for communicating policies with guests
  • The latest trends in both ticket sales and haunted attractions for maximizing revenue
  • And MORE

Register today for FREE! Can't make the live-stream? No problem: everyone who registers will have access to view the recording afterwards.

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