Inauguration Day at Art Boutiki - The End of an Error

The Art Boutiki Music Hall

No upcoming date/times for this event.

As you might know, The Art Boutiki has a somewhat storied history in regards to political events. We sat this year's election out due to, well, you know. But now we will be ringing in the start of a new Presidential Administration with a good old-fashioned folk jam session. Fice performers take the Art Boutiki stage to sing in The End of an Error. Organized by our good friend Cap Whilehlm-Safian the night will feature short performances by


Stefan Frazier

AJ Lee

Andy Karn

Brad Sanzenbacher

Free but you must register for a ticket. Presented in the usual Art Boutiki high-quality sound and video, watch on a big screen with your best audio gear to really capture the moment.