More Wedding Entertainment Ideas

Kemp House

West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90019

Free Event

Sat, June 21st, 2025 @ 3:31PM -12

Wedding Entertainers - why spend $$$ taking out stalls at wedding shows when you can be included amongst our top rated selection of performers at one of our Wedding Entertainment Showcases?

Wedding Entertainers Wanted

In our ongoing efforts to support the live wedding entertainment industry we are now offering to invite some of the most popular types of acts that couples are looking to hire for their wedding celebrations.

Grab a ticket and wait to be contacted with an invitation to come along for a live performance which will be filmed to create a show reel for our website and join us at wedding fairs and shows in your area to get both your act and our brand better exposure in the fast growing demand for wedding entertainment.

Kemp House
West Pico Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90019
44 203-286-0350