Paranormal Research Symposium 2024

Hotel Gettysburg - Eisenhower Room

1 Lincoln Square, Gettysburg, PA 17325

From $10.00

No upcoming date/times for this event.

Sponsored by Alex Matsuo, Gold Dust Publishing, Lauren Haunts, Charlotte Area Paranormal Society, Ghost City Tours, and Ghostly Images of Gettysburg.

Interested in sponsoring? Visit our Sponsor page.

About the Conference:

Join us as we take a journey into the unknown at the Paranormal Research Symposium, proudly presented by the Association of Paranormal Study. This conference invites you to delve into the realms of the unexplained, pushing the boundaries of academic, spiritual, and scientific inquiry into paranormal phenomena. Join us for a thought-provoking exploration of paranormal research, investigation methods, theories, projects, and experiments.

Ticket Pricing Information:

  • Regular Registration: $50 (July 1st-August 16th)
  • Door Price: $60 (August 17th)
  • Note: The Dark Mirror scrying workshop is an additional $10 to help cover supplies. You will get to keep the mirror!

Venues include

  • Hotel Gettysburg: 1 Lincoln Square, Gettysburg, PA, 17325
  • Ghost City Tours: 10 Lincoln Square, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (Sponsor)
  • Ghostly Images of Gettysburg: 777 Baltimore St, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (Sponsor)


Due to changes in availability, schedules are subject to change.

  • 8:30am-9:00am: Opening Ceremony (Hotel Gettysburg)
  • 9:30am-10:15am: Session 1
  • Hotel Gettysburg: Alex Matsuo – Haunted Spaces, Healing Conversations: A Trauma-Free Approach to the Paranormal (Presentation)
  • Ghost City Tours: Sabrina Beackley – Exploring Interdimensional Beings, Higher Dimensions, and Religion (Presentation)
  • Ghostly Images Orphanage: Victoria Jaye – Differentiating Spirits: Data-Based Classification (Presentation)
  • 10:45am-11:30am: Session 2
  • Hotel Gettysburg: 3 Appalachian Witches – How Psychic are You? Testing the limits of ESP through Hypnosis and Reiki Energy (Workshop)
  • Ghost City Tours: Erin Taylor – A Haunted Mind: The Paranormal and Mental Health (Presentation)
  • Ghostly Images Orphanage: Amelia Cotter – The Legacy of Lore: Why Our Ghost Stories Matter (Presentation)
  • 11:30am-12:30pm: Lunch Break
  • 12:30pm-1:15pm: Session 3
  • Hotel Gettysburg: John Sabol and Mary Becker – A ‘Paradigm Shift’ at Haunted Locations: Investigative Fieldwork as ‘Memory Activism’ (Panel)
  • Ghost City Tours: Ari Spence – A Devil’s Playground: The Intersection of Neuropsychology, Alleged Demonic Possession, and Popular Media (Presentation)
  • Ghostly Images Orphanage: Lisa Krick – Gifts Gathered through a Dark Mirror: A How to Guide for Scrying (Workshop – $10 fee). You will get to keep the mirror!
  • 1:45pm-2:30pm: Session 4
  • Hotel Gettysburg : Josie Bluegrass – Living with Haints: Coexisting with the Paranormal in Appalachia (Presentation)
  • Ghost City Tours: Tee Morris – The Value of Redundancy: Using Multiple Recording Devices in Paranormal Investigations (Presentation)
  • Ghostly Images Orphanage: Lisa Krick – The Estes Method – Tweaking the Technique (Workshop)
  • 3:00pm-3:45pm: Session 5
  • Hotel Gettysburg: Ron Yacovetti, Lourdes Gonzales, Tony Rathman, & Cherie Rathman – Reality and Spirit Contact: The Supernatural Turned Natural Through Defining of Reality (Presentation)
  • Ghost City Tours: Robert “Brad” Bradley – Paranormal Research – 14 Years of Hard Data (Presentation)
  • Ghostly Images Orphanage: Karen and Chris Carothers with Victoria Jaye – Maybe it’s a faerie, not a demon – How mythology and NeoPagan theologies can lead us to a wider classification of entities in paranormal encounters (Panel)
  • 4:15pm-5:00pm: Session 6
  • Hotel Gettysburg: Joshua Cutchin & Timothy Renner – Beauty & the Beast: Towards an Archetypal Understanding of Bigfoot and Women-in-White (Presentation)
  • Ghost City Tours: Michael K. Magner – Could “Residual” Paranormal Activity be Explained by Time Anomalies? (Presentation)
  • Ghostly Images Orphanage: Kristin Lee – Experiences as a Haunted Location Owner: The Bellaire House (Presentation)
  • 5:30pm-6:00pm: Closing Ceremony (Hotel Gettysburg)


  • John Sabol & Mary Becker – A ‘Paradigm Shift’ at Haunted Locations: Investigative Fieldwork as ‘Memory Activism’
  • Karen & Chris Carothers – Maybe It’s a Faerie, Not a Demon – How Mythology and Neopagan Theologies Can Lead Us to a Wider Classification of Entities in Paranormal Encounters.


  • Pat Bussard O’Keefe (M.S.), Misty Conner, & Ashley Conner – How Psychic are You? Testing the limits of ESP through Hypnosis and Reiki Energy.
  • Lisa Krick – Gifts Gathered Through a Dark Mirror: A How to Guide for Scrying (additional $10 fee for supplies. You will get to keep the mirror!)
  • Lisa Krick - The Estes Method – Tweaking the Technique


  • Robert “Brad” Bradley – Paranormal Research – 14 Years of Hard Data
  • Amelia Cotter – The Legacy of Lore: Why Our Ghost Stories Matter
  • Joshua Cutchin & Timothy Renner – Beauty & the Beast: Towards an Archetypal Understanding of Bigfoot and Women-in-White
  • Alex Matsuo, MA – Haunted Spaces, Healing Conversations: A Trauma-Free Approach to the Paranormal
  • Erin Taylor – A Haunted Mind: The Paranormal and Mental Health
  • Victoria Jaye – Differentiating Spirits: Data-Based Classification
  • Ron Yacovetti, Lourdes Gonzalez, & Tony Rathman – Reality and Spirit Contact: The Supernatural Turned Natural Through a Defining of Reality
  • Michael K. Magner, MPH, MSS – Could “Residual” Paranormal Activity be Explained by Time Anomalies?
  • Sabrina Beackley – Exploring Interdimensional Beings, Higher Dimensions, and Religion
  • Kristin Lee – Experiences as a Haunted Location Owner: The Bellaire House
  • Ari Spence. – A Devil’s Playground: The Intersection of Neuropsychology, Alleged Demonic Possession, and Popular Media
  • Tee Morris – The Value of Redundancy: Using Multiple Recording Devices in Paranormal Investigations

Diverse Conference Tracks:

  • Parapsychology: Delve into extrasensory perception (ESP), telekinesis, and other psi phenomena.
  • Anomalistic Psychology: Investigate paranormal beliefs, experiences, and their psychological underpinnings.
  • Cryptozoology: Explore elusive creatures challenging conventional zoological categorization.
  • Spirituality and the Paranormal: Discuss the intersection of paranormal experiences and religious/spiritual beliefs.
  • Tools and Technologies: Showcase innovative methodologies and technologies for paranormal investigation.
  • Paranormal Science: Explore seamless integration of scientific principles into paranormal investigations.

Academic and Scholarly Approach:

  • Immerse yourself in an atmosphere of rigorous academic discourse, where researchers, scholars, investigators, and enthusiasts converge to share their knowledge.
  • Topics include methodologies, theories, research, emerging trends, and ethical considerations in the paranormal field.

Esteemed Speakers, Panelists, and Workshop Leaders:

  • Engage with leading figures in the paranormal field, including researchers, scholars, investigators, and enthusiasts.
  • Gain insights into cutting-edge research, methodologies, and theories through informative sessions and workshops.

Networking Opportunities:

  • Connect with like-minded individuals, fostering collaboration and camaraderie among researchers, scholars, investigators, and enthusiasts.
  • Share experiences and build valuable connections in the paranormal community.

Journal Publication:

  • The Paranormal Research Symposium goes beyond the conference with the publication of a comprehensive journal featuring presentation topics, providing a lasting resource for those passionate about paranormal studies.

Join us for a symposium that transcends the ordinary, as we unlock the mysteries of the paranormal through an academic lens. Be a part of a community dedicated to advancing the understanding of the unexplained and expanding the frontiers of scientific inquiry, spiritual knowledge, and methodology.

The Paranormal Research Symposium promises an intellectually stimulating and transformative experience for all who seek to unravel the mysteries that lie beyond the limits of conventional knowledge.

Conference Policies

Safety: The Paranormal Research Symposium values the safety of our attendees, guests, and staff. Staff members are wearing red badges that say STAFF. Any of these personnel are available and willing to help should you need assistance.

Weapons: No actual weapons allowed. The Paranormal Research Symposium reserves the right to turn away attendees for having a weapon. No refunds will be given for attendees turned away.

Harassment: Harassment will not be tolerated on the convention premises nor on media associated with the conference. Violators will be removed from the conference and/or posts and comments deleted. The Paranormal Research Symposium reserves the right to deny entrance without refund to any individual who commits acts of harassment at the Paranormal Research Symposium, other conventions, or on social media. Please report any incidents of harassment to a member of STAFF. Reports may be made at the check-in table at the Hotel Gettysburg Atrium. The Paranormal Research Symposium honors your choice to wear a mask or not wear a mask. We ask that you respect others’ choices in wearing a mask. Harassing someone for wearing a mask will be considered bullying. Violators will be removed from the conference with no refund.

Dress Code: Family-friendly attire must be worn in all conference areas.

Conference Rules

1. The Paranormal Research Symposium reserves the right to remove, without a refund, anyone who is in violation of the rules and policies of the Paranormal Research Symposium from the event.

2. Wristbands and/or badges must be worn and visible at all times in the conference areas. Lost wristbands can be replaced. Badges and wristbands are required to enter the conference areas.

3. Respect our venues. Damages to the venues will be charged to the individual responsible, and may result in removal from the conference without a refund.

5. No smoking or vaping in the conference areas. Smoking and vaping areas are available outside in designated areas.

6. The Paranormal Research Symposium is not responsible for items lost, stolen, or missing during the event.

7. Children must be under parent or guardian supervision at all times.

8. Please allow for free movement in hallways and aisle spaces. Pictures should be taken in less trafficked areas.

9. All local, state, and federal laws, ordinances, and statutes must be obeyed.

10. Ask for consent from conference presenters before taking photos and videos of their presentation, workshop, or panel.


Refund Policy:

No refunds or returns.

Cancellation Policy:

An event can only be canceled by the venue and/or event organizer. If the venue or event organizer cancels an event, you will be refunded within 4 business days of the event date for your purchase.

Paranormal Research Symposium 2024 poster
Hotel Gettysburg - Eisenhower Room
1 Lincoln Square
Gettysburg, PA 17325
(717) 337-2000
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