Go Comedy Improv Theater
261 E. 9 Mile Road, Ferndale, MI 48220
From $60.00
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“On the stage do not run for the sake of running, or suffer for the sake of suffering. Don’t act “in general”, for the sake of action; always act with a purpose.”
― Konstantin Stanislavski, An Actor Prepares
A part of my acting training that always stuck with me was the Stanislavski script analysis exercise of splitting a scene into beats, writing in the character's objective for that beat, and then the actions they're taking to achieve it. If they don't achieve it, they'll have to give up or try a different tactic; if they do, then the script will tell you what happens next. When there is no script, we have to flip the equation and let the desires and actions of the characters guide us through the unknown that is our unscripted play.
In this class, we'll play with objectives, super-objectives, and tactics. We'll learn healthy conflict dynamics, to recognize when a beat ends, and how to move forward with purpose. And we'll discover the benefits of both stumbling in with nothing and starting with a clear sense of direction.
Prerequisite: At least one year of long form improv experience for advance scene work
BIO: Oliver is passionate about unscripted theatre and the cross-section that exists between acting and improvisation. He runs SODA Impro through which he produces Played Out, a three-act unscripted play with an emphasis on slow, character-driven scenes in which narrative develops organically. Current regular collaborators include Lara Johnson, Naomi Snieckus, Matt Baram, and Reid Janisse. He is a faculty member at The Assembly Improv in Toronto. Previous specialty course offerings in Toronto, Detroit, and Los Angeles, include: Viewpoints, Mindfulness, and Meisner for the Actor-Improviser, Acting for Improvisers – Impulse, Insight, and Emotion, The Game In Narrative, and Intro to Viewpoints for Improvisation.
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