Senate Theater
6424 Michigan Ave, Detroit, MI 48210
From $20.00
No upcoming date/times for this event.
Featuring... Shimmy LaRoux, Miss PussyKatt, Mila La Machina, Ada Vice, Josephine Shaker, Miss Holly Hock, Leena Allure, Fearless Amaretto, Kitty & Eris. Hosted by Tam White.
Doors open 7:00PM, Showtime 8:00PM, Cash Bar Available, 18 & Over.
Line up not listed in order of appearance, and subject to change.
No refunds or returns.
An event can only be canceled by the venue and/or event organizer. If the venue or event organizer cancels an event, you will be refunded within 4 business days of the event date for your purchase.